view test/runtests @ 455:cad5937314cb

Add operandsizewarning pragma Add operandsizewarning pragma that will raise warnings for certain operands if the operand size could be smaller. (Long branch used instead of short branch, for instance.)
author William Astle <>
date Fri, 16 Feb 2018 22:53:46 -0700
parents 3cd8aa013b88
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This program will execute all programs in the "tests" directory. Each
# program is expected to produce output as follows on stdout:
# each line begins with a test name followed by whitespace followed by
# stderr is not redirected during testing. Any test that might spam stderr
# is encouraged to redirect it somewhere useful.
# After each test script exits, a report indicating number passed, failed,
# and skipped is presented, or if the script failed to run.
# Once all tests have been run, a report showing the grand total number of
# tests performed, passed, failed, and skipped.
# Each test can be in any programming language that is appropriate for
# the task.
# Each test can assume the current directory is the root of the source tree.

use File::Basename;

$testdir = dirname($0) . '/tests';

opendir DH, $testdir;
while ($fe = readdir DH)
	next if ($fe =~ /^\./);
	next if ($fe =~ /~$/);
	$fn = $testdir . '/' . $fe;

	open P,"$fn|";
	while (<P>)
		($tn, $ts) = split /\s+/;
		$testresults{$fe}{$tn} = $ts;
		if ($ts eq 'PASS')
			$testspassed += 1;
			$testresults{$fe}{'..passed'} += 1;
		elsif ($ts eq 'FAIL')
			$testsfailed += 1;
			$testresults{$fe}{'..failed'} =+ 1;
		elsif ($ts eq 'SKIP')
			$testsskipped += 1;
			$testresults{$fe}{'..skipped'} += 1;
			$testsunknown += 1;
			$testresults{$fe}{'..unknown'} += 1;
		$teststotal += 1;
		$testresults{$fe}{''} += 1;
	close P;
	$fdn = $fe;
	$fdn =~ s/\..+?$//;
	$rline = sprintf("%-25.25s: %d/%d (%d skipped, %d unknown, %d failed)",  $fdn, $testresults{$fe}{'..passed'}, $testresults{$fe}{''}, $testresults{$fe}{'..skipped'}, $testresults{$fe}{'..unknown'}, $testresults{$fe}{'..failed'});
	print "$rline\n";
closedir DH;

print sprintf("\n===================\nTotal: %d/%d (%d skipped, %d unknown, %d failed)\n", $testspassed, $teststotal, $testsskipped, $testsunknown, $testsfailed);

if ($testspassed < $teststotal)
	print "\nThe following tests either failed or were otherwise dubious:\n";
	foreach $i (keys %testresults)
		$fdn = $i;
		$fdn =~ s/\..+?$//;
		foreach $j (keys %{ $testresults{$i} })
			next if $j =~ /^\./;
			if ($testresults{$i}{$j} ne 'PASS')
				print "$fdn/$j: $testresults{$i}{$j}\n";
	exit 1;
exit 0;