view lwasm/symbol.c @ 215:5330ba70836a

Fix undefined symbol error with pragma nosymbolcase Made symbol tree lookup handle case sensitivity correctly. It is not sufficient to switch which of strcmp and strcasecmp is used to do the lookups. Instead, one must use strcasecmp all the way until a match and then use additional sorting once a match is achieved, if relevant. In this case, a simple linked list of symbols that differ only in case since this is not expected to be a common case.
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 10 Jun 2012 13:29:23 -0600
parents 07e1fac76321
children 0c4b3e8b4d0b
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright © 2010 William Astle

This file is part of LWTOOLS.

LWTOOLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <>.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <lw_alloc.h>
#include <lw_expr.h>
#include <lw_string.h>

#include "lwasm.h"

#if 0
struct symtabe *symbol_findprev(asmstate_t *as, struct symtabe *se)
	struct symtabe *se1, *se2;
	int i;
	for (se2 = NULL, se1 = as -> symtab.head; se1; se1 = se1 -> next)
		debug_message(as, 200, "Sorting; looking at symbol %s (%p) for %s", se1 -> symbol, se1, se -> symbol);
		/* compare se with se1 */
		i = strcasecmp(se -> symbol, se1 -> symbol);
		/* if the symbol sorts before se1, we just need to return */
		if (i < 0)
			return se2;
		if (i == 0)
			/* symbol name matches; compare other things */
			/*if next version is greater than this one, return */
			if (se -> version > se1 -> version)
				return se2;
			/* if next context is great than this one, return */ 
			if (se -> context > se1 -> context)
				return se2;
			/* if section name is greater, return */
			/* if se has no section but se1 does, we go first */
			if (se -> section == NULL && se1 -> section != NULL)
				return se2;
			if (se -> section != NULL && se1 -> section != NULL)
				/* compare section names and if se < se1, return */
				i = strcasecmp(se -> section -> name, se1 -> section -> name);
				if (i < 0)
					return se2;
		se2 = se1;
	return se2;
struct symtabe *register_symbol(asmstate_t *as, line_t *cl, char *sym, lw_expr_t val, int flags)
	struct symtabe *se, *nse;
	struct symtabe *sprev;
	int islocal = 0;
	int context = -1;
	int version = -1;
	char *cp;
	int cdir;
	debug_message(as, 200, "Register symbol %s (%02X), %s", sym, flags, lw_expr_print(val));

	if (!(flags & symbol_flag_nocheck))
		if (!sym || !*sym)
			lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad symbol (%s)", sym);
			return NULL;
		if (*sym < 0x80 && (!strchr(SSYMCHARS, *sym) && !strchr(sym + 1, '$') && !strchr(sym + 1, '@') && !strchr(sym + 1, '?')))
			lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad symbol (%s)", sym);
			return NULL;

		if ((*sym == '$' || *sym == '@') && (sym[1] >= '0' && sym[1] <= '9'))
			lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad symbol (%s)", sym);
			return NULL;

	for (cp = sym; *cp; cp++)
		if (*cp == '@' || *cp == '?')
			islocal = 1;
		if (*cp == '$' && !(CURPRAGMA(cl, PRAGMA_DOLLARNOTLOCAL)))
			islocal = 1;
		// bad symbol
		if (!(flags & symbol_flag_nocheck) && *cp < 0x80 && !strchr(SYMCHARS, *cp))
			lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad symbol (%s)", sym);
			return NULL;

	if (islocal)
		context = cl -> context;
	// first, look up symbol to see if it is already defined
	cdir = 0;
	for (se = as -> symtab.head, sprev = NULL; se; )
		int ndir;
		debug_message(as, 300, "Symbol add lookup: %p", se);
		ndir = strcasecmp(sym, se -> symbol);
//		if (!ndir && !CURPRAGMA(cl, PRAGMA_SYMBOLNOCASE) && !(se -> flags & symbol_flag_set))
		if (!ndir && !(se -> flags & symbol_flag_set))
			if (strcmp(sym, se -> symbol))
				ndir = 1;
		if (!ndir && se -> context != context)
			ndir = (context < se -> context) ? -1 : 1;
		if (!ndir)
			if ((flags & symbol_flag_set) && (se -> flags & symbol_flag_set))
				version = se -> version;
		cdir = ndir;
		sprev = se;
		if (cdir < 0)
			se = se -> left;
			se = se -> right;

	if (se && version == -1)
		// multiply defined symbol
		lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Multiply defined symbol (%s)", sym);
		return NULL;

	if (flags & symbol_flag_set)
	// symplify the symbol expression - replaces "SET" symbols with
	// symbol table entries
	lwasm_reduce_expr(as, val);

	nse = lw_alloc(sizeof(struct symtabe));
	nse -> context = context;
	nse -> version = version;
	nse -> flags = flags;
		nse -> flags |= symbol_flag_nolist;
		nse -> flags |= symbol_flag_nocase;
	nse -> value = lw_expr_copy(val);
	nse -> symbol = lw_strdup(sym);
	nse -> right = NULL;
	nse -> left = NULL;
	nse -> nextver = NULL;
	if (se)
		nse -> nextver = se;
		nse -> left = se -> left;
		nse -> right = se -> right;
		se -> left = NULL;
		se -> right = NULL;
	if (cl)
		nse -> section = cl -> csect;
		nse -> section = NULL;
	if (!sprev)
		debug_message(as, 200, "Adding symbol at head of symbol table");
		as -> symtab.head = nse;
		debug_message(as, 200, "Adding symbol in middle of symbol table");
		if (cdir < 0)
			sprev -> left = nse;
			sprev -> right = nse;
	if (CURPRAGMA(cl, PRAGMA_EXPORT) && cl -> csect && !islocal)
		exportlist_t *e;
		/* export symbol if not already exported */
		e = lw_alloc(sizeof(exportlist_t));
		e -> next = as -> exportlist;
		e -> symbol = lw_strdup(sym);
		e -> line = cl;
		e -> se = nse;
		as -> exportlist = e;
	return nse;

// for "SET" symbols, always returns the LAST definition of the
// symbol. This works because the lwasm_reduce_expr() call in 
// register_symbol will ensure there are no lingering "var" references
// to the set symbol anywhere in the symbol table; they will all be
// converted to direct references
// NOTE: this means that for a forward reference to a SET symbol,
// the LAST definition will be the one used.
// This arrangement also ensures that any reference to the symbol
// itself inside a "set" definition will refer to the previous version
// of the symbol.
struct symtabe * lookup_symbol(asmstate_t *as, line_t *cl, char *sym)
	int local = 0;
	struct symtabe *s;
	int cdir;
	// check if this is a local symbol
	if (strchr(sym, '@') || strchr(sym, '?'))
		local = 1;
	if (cl && !CURPRAGMA(cl, PRAGMA_DOLLARNOTLOCAL) && strchr(sym, '$'))
		local = 1;
	if (!cl && !(as -> pragmas & PRAGMA_DOLLARNOTLOCAL) && strchr(sym, '$'))
		local = 1;
	// cannot look up local symbol in global context!!!!!
	if (!cl && local)
		return NULL;
	for (s = as -> symtab.head; s; )
		cdir = strcasecmp(sym, s -> symbol);
		if (!cdir && !(s->flags & symbol_flag_nocase))
			if (strcmp(sym, s -> symbol))
				cdir = 1;
		if (!cdir)
			if (local && s -> context != cl -> context)
				cdir = (cl -> context < s -> context) ? -1 : 1;
		if (!cdir)
			return s;
		if (cdir < 0)
			s = s -> left;
			s = s -> right;
	return NULL;

struct listinfo
	sectiontab_t *sect;
	asmstate_t *as;
	int complex;

int list_symbols_test(lw_expr_t e, void *p)
	struct listinfo *li = p;
	if (li -> complex)
		return 0;
	if (lw_expr_istype(e, lw_expr_type_special))
		if (lw_expr_specint(e) == lwasm_expr_secbase)
			if (li -> sect)
				li -> complex = 1;
				li -> sect = lw_expr_specptr(e);
	return 0;

void list_symbols_aux(asmstate_t *as, FILE *of, struct symtabe *se)
	struct symtabe *s;
	lw_expr_t te;
	struct listinfo li; = as;
	if (!se)
	list_symbols_aux(as, of, se -> left);
	for (s = se; s; s = s -> nextver)
		if (s -> flags & symbol_flag_nolist)
		lwasm_reduce_expr(as, s -> value);
		fputc('[', of);
		if (s -> flags & symbol_flag_set)
			fputc('S', of);
			fputc(' ', of);
		if (as -> output_format == OUTPUT_OBJ)
			if (lw_expr_istype(s -> value, lw_expr_type_int))
				fputc('c', of);
				fputc('s', of);
		if (s -> context < 0)
			fputc('G', of);
			fputc('L', of);

		fputc(']', of);
		fputc(' ', of);
		fprintf(of, "%-32s ", s -> symbol);
		te = lw_expr_copy(s -> value);
		li.complex = 0;
		li.sect = NULL;
		lw_expr_testterms(te, list_symbols_test, &li);
		if (li.sect)
			as -> exportcheck = 1;
			as -> csect = li.sect;
			lwasm_reduce_expr(as, te);
			as -> exportcheck = 0;
		if (lw_expr_istype(te, lw_expr_type_int))
			fprintf(of, "%04X", lw_expr_intval(te));
			if (li.sect)
				fprintf(of, " (%s)", li.sect -> name);
			fprintf(of, "\n");
			fprintf(of, "<<incomplete>>\n");
//			fprintf(of, "%s\n", lw_expr_print(s -> value));
	list_symbols_aux(as, of, se -> right);

void list_symbols(asmstate_t *as, FILE *of)
	fprintf(of, "\nSymbol Table:\n");
	list_symbols_aux(as, of, as -> symtab.head);