view lwcc/token.c @ 502:14a40f8bb4eb

Add various operators to lwcc Add various binary and ternary operators to lwcc, but only those which can work with constant operands. Seems like variables are probably required next.
author William Astle <>
date Wed, 25 Sep 2019 20:23:49 -0600
parents 54f213c8fb81
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright © 2013 William Astle

This file is part of LWTOOLS.

LWTOOLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <>.

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <lw_alloc.h>
#include <lw_string.h>

#include "token.h"

struct token *token_create(int ttype, char *strval, int row, int col, const char *fn)
	struct token *t;
	t = lw_alloc(sizeof(struct token));
	t -> ttype = ttype;
	if (strval)
		t -> strval = lw_strdup(strval);
		t -> strval = NULL;
	t -> lineno = row;
	t -> column = col;
	t -> fn = fn;
	t -> next = NULL;
	t -> prev = NULL;
	t -> list = NULL;
	return t;

void token_free(struct token *t)
	lw_free(t -> strval);

struct token *token_dup(struct token *t)
	struct token *t2;
	t2 = lw_alloc(sizeof(struct token));
	t2 -> ttype = t -> ttype;
	t2 -> lineno = t -> lineno;
	t2 -> column = t -> column;
	t2 -> list = NULL;
	t2 -> next = NULL;
	t2 -> prev = NULL;
	if (t -> strval)
		t2 -> strval = lw_strdup(t -> strval);
		t2 -> strval = NULL;
	return t2;

static struct { int ttype; char *tstr; } tok_strs[] =
	{ TOK_WSPACE, " " },
	{ TOK_EOL, "\n" },
	{ TOK_DIV, "/" },
	{ TOK_ADD, "+" },
	{ TOK_SUB, "-" },
	{ TOK_OPAREN, "(" },
	{ TOK_CPAREN, ")" },
	{ TOK_NE, "!=" },
	{ TOK_EQ, "==" },
	{ TOK_LE, "<=" },
	{ TOK_LT, "<" },
	{ TOK_GE, ">=" },
	{ TOK_GT, ">" },
	{ TOK_BAND, "&&" },
	{ TOK_BOR, "||" },
	{ TOK_BNOT, "!" },
	{ TOK_MOD, "%"},
	{ TOK_COMMA, "," },
	{ TOK_ELLIPSIS, "..." },
	{ TOK_QMARK, "?" },
	{ TOK_COLON, ":" },
	{ TOK_OBRACE, "{" },
	{ TOK_CBRACE, "}" },
	{ TOK_OSQUARE, "[" },
	{ TOK_CSQUARE, "]" },
	{ TOK_COM, "~" },
	{ TOK_EOS, ";" },
	{ TOK_HASH, "#" },
	{ TOK_DBLHASH, "##" },
	{ TOK_XOR, "^" },
	{ TOK_XORASS, "^=" },
	{ TOK_STAR, "*" },
	{ TOK_MULASS, "*=" },
	{ TOK_DIVASS, "/=" },
	{ TOK_ASS, "=" },
	{ TOK_MODASS, "%=" },
	{ TOK_SUBASS, "-=" },
	{ TOK_DBLSUB, "--" },
	{ TOK_ADDASS, "+=" },
	{ TOK_DBLADD, "++" },
	{ TOK_BWAND, "&" },
	{ TOK_BWANDASS, "&=" },
	{ TOK_BWOR, "|" },
	{ TOK_BWORASS, "|=" },
	{ TOK_LSH, "<<" },
	{ TOK_LSHASS, "<<=" },
	{ TOK_RSH, ">>" },
	{ TOK_RSHASS, ">>=" },
	{ TOK_DOT, "." },
	{ TOK_ARROW, "->" },
	{ TOK_NONE, "" }

void token_print(struct token *t, FILE *f)
	int i;
	for (i = 0; tok_strs[i].ttype != TOK_NONE; i++)
		if (tok_strs[i].ttype == t -> ttype)
			fprintf(f, "%s", tok_strs[i].tstr);
	if (t -> strval)
		fprintf(f, "%s", t -> strval);

/* token list management */
struct token_list *token_list_create(void)
	struct token_list *tl;
	tl = lw_alloc(sizeof(struct token_list));
	tl -> head = NULL;
	tl -> tail = NULL;
	return tl;

void token_list_destroy(struct token_list *tl)
	if (tl == NULL)
	while (tl -> head)
		tl -> tail = tl -> head;
		tl -> head = tl -> head -> next;
		token_free(tl -> tail);

void token_list_append(struct token_list *tl, struct token *tok)
	tok -> list = tl;
	if (tl -> head == NULL)
		tl -> head = tl -> tail = tok;
		tok -> next = tok -> prev = NULL;
	tl -> tail -> next = tok;
	tok -> prev = tl -> tail;
	tl -> tail = tok;
	tok -> next = NULL;

void token_list_remove(struct token *tok)
	if (tok -> list == NULL)

	if (tok -> prev)
		tok -> prev -> next = tok -> next;
	if (tok -> next)
		tok -> next -> prev = tok -> prev;
	if (tok == tok -> list -> head)
		tok -> list -> head = tok -> next;
	if (tok == tok -> list -> tail)
		tok -> list -> tail = tok -> prev;
	tok -> list = NULL;

void token_list_prepend(struct token_list *tl, struct token *tok)
	tok -> list = tl;
	if (tl -> head == NULL)
		tl -> head = tl -> tail = tok;
		tok -> next = tok -> prev = NULL;
	tl -> head -> prev = tok;
	tok -> next = tl -> head;
	tl -> head = tok;
	tok -> prev = NULL;

void token_list_insert(struct token_list *tl, struct token *after, struct token *newt)
	struct token *t;
	if (after == NULL || tl -> head == NULL)
		token_list_prepend(tl, newt);
	for (t = tl -> head; t && t != after; t = t -> next)
		/* do nothing */ ;
	if (!t)
		token_list_append(tl, newt);
	newt -> prev = t;
	newt -> next = t -> next;
	if (t -> next)
		t -> next -> prev = newt;
		tl -> tail = newt;
	t -> next = newt;

struct token_list *token_list_dup(struct token_list *tl)
	struct token_list *nl;
	struct token *t;
	nl = token_list_create();
	for (t = tl -> head; t; t = t -> next)
		token_list_append(nl, token_dup(t));
	return nl;