view src/expr.h @ 248:e8d70b95ec41 2.x

Fixed various problems with determining which files to include in the output and also fixed problem identifying which files actually resolved symbols
author lost
date Sun, 22 Nov 2009 05:46:31 +0000
parents 718998b673ee
line wrap: on
line source

Copyright © 2008 William Astle

This file is part of LWASM.

LWASM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <>.

Definitions for expression evaluator

#ifndef __expr_h_seen__
#define __expr_h_seen__

#ifndef __expr_c_seen__
#define __expr_E__ extern
#define __expr_E__

// term types
#define LWASM_TERM_NONE		0
#define LWASM_TERM_OPER		1	// an operator
#define LWASM_TERM_INT		2	// 32 bit signed integer
#define LWASM_TERM_SYM		3	// symbol reference
#define LWASM_TERM_SECBASE	4	// section base reference

// operator types
#define LWASM_OPER_NONE		0
#define LWASM_OPER_PLUS		1	// +
#define LWASM_OPER_MINUS	2	// -
#define LWASM_OPER_TIMES	3	// *
#define LWASM_OPER_DIVIDE	4	// /
#define LWASM_OPER_MOD		5	// %
#define LWASM_OPER_INTDIV	6	// \ (don't end line with \)
#define LWASM_OPER_BWAND	7	// bitwise AND
#define LWASM_OPER_BWOR		8	// bitwise OR
#define LWASM_OPER_BWXOR	9	// bitwise XOR
#define LWASM_OPER_AND		10	// boolean AND
#define LWASM_OPER_OR		11	// boolean OR
#define LWASM_OPER_NEG		12	// - unary negation (2's complement)
#define LWASM_OPER_COM		13	// ^ unary 1's complement

// term structure
typedef struct lwasm_expr_term_s
	int term_type;		// type of term (see above)
	char *symbol;		// name of a symbol
	int value;			// value of the term (int) or operator number (OPER)
} lwasm_expr_term_t;

// type for an expression evaluation stack
typedef struct lwasm_expr_stack_node_s lwasm_expr_stack_node_t;
struct lwasm_expr_stack_node_s
	lwasm_expr_term_t		*term;
	lwasm_expr_stack_node_t	*prev;
	lwasm_expr_stack_node_t	*next;	

typedef struct lwasm_expr_stack_s
	lwasm_expr_stack_node_t *head;
	lwasm_expr_stack_node_t *tail;
} lwasm_expr_stack_t;

__expr_E__ void lwasm_expr_term_free(lwasm_expr_term_t *t);
__expr_E__ lwasm_expr_term_t *lwasm_expr_term_create_oper(int oper);
__expr_E__ lwasm_expr_term_t *lwasm_expr_term_create_sym(char *sym);
__expr_E__ lwasm_expr_term_t *lwasm_expr_term_create_int(int val);
__expr_E__ lwasm_expr_term_t *lwasm_expr_term_create_secbase(void);
__expr_E__ lwasm_expr_term_t *lwasm_expr_term_dup(lwasm_expr_term_t *t);

__expr_E__ void lwasm_expr_stack_free(lwasm_expr_stack_t *s);
__expr_E__ lwasm_expr_stack_t *lwasm_expr_stack_create(void);

__expr_E__ void lwasm_expr_stack_push(lwasm_expr_stack_t *s, lwasm_expr_term_t *t);
__expr_E__ lwasm_expr_term_t *lwasm_expr_stack_pop(lwasm_expr_stack_t *s);

Evaluate an expression. The result is an lwasm_expr_stack_t pointer. If the
expression evaluates to a constant result, the stack will contain exactly one
value which will be a constant. Otherwise, the stack will contain the
expression with all operations that can be evaluated completely evaluated.
You must call lwasm_expr_stack_free() on the result when you are finished
with it.
__expr_E__ lwasm_expr_stack_t *lwasm_expr_eval(const char *inp, const char **outp, lwasm_expr_stack_t *(*sfunc)(char *sym, void *state), void *state);

// simplify expression
__expr_E__ int lwasm_expr_reval(lwasm_expr_stack_t *s, lwasm_expr_stack_t *(*sfunc)(char *sym, void *state), void *state);

// useful macros
// is the expression "simple" (one term)?
#define lwasm_expr_is_simple(s) ((s) -> head == (s) -> tail)

// is the expression constant?
#define lwasm_expr_is_constant(s) (lwasm_expr_is_simple(s) && (!((s) -> head) || (s) -> head -> term -> term_type == LWASM_TERM_INT))

// get the constant value of an expression or 0 if not constant
#define lwasm_expr_get_value(s) (lwasm_expr_is_constant(s) ? ((s) -> head ? (s) -> head -> term -> value : 0) : 0)

#undef __expr_E__

#endif // __expr_h_seen__